The courage of women

Many times we think that being brave means doing heroic and extraordinary things like swimming with sharks, climbing Mount Everest or visiting remote places. We think that a brave person is someone who is not afraid of anything, but it’s not quite right.

The word courage comes from the Latin “cor”, heart, and refers to the ability to follow our heart.
Being brave means to be ourselves, to express what we feel and think. Give voice to our needs and our requests. When we are heroic, we risk our life. When we are courageous, we show our inner vulnerability. The mind screams that we run the risk of being judged, ridiculed, removed, boycotted, or not to be loved. And so we often choose the road that seems more secure, that of silence.

When we choose the language of silence and we do not put the necessary boundaries, we will soon have the feeling of being used and exploited. And when we cannot take it anymore, we’ll burn out and ruin our relationships and friendships.

Women, we are brave! Sometimes we just need to be reminded of how courageous and amazing we are.

1. You are not your past
We can make mistakes, but we are not our mistakes. Each of us carries her emotional baggage. We would not be the people we are today without the experiences we had, which  deeply transformed us.
Make peace with your past. Every day is a new opportunity to be a better person and to take a step closer to your dreams.
Forgive the people that hurt you and forgive yourself for anything that makes you still feel bad, and then move  forward.

2. You are not your actions
One of the topics on which still, unfortunately, there is so much confusion is self-esteem. I see it with many people, professionals, sportsmen, or simple parents who are proud of the success of their children. Each result they get makes their esteem (self-esteem) increases. Self-esteem is the esteem that comes from ourselves, for the simple fact that we exist. It is a birthright and does not depend, or rather should not depend, by any external event. So why is it so hard to feel unconditional love for ourselves? The problem is that our ego sometimes plays tricks on us, making us doubt our value.
We end up seeking for confirmation outside (e.g. career, age, physical appearance, money) and not within us.
How things would change if you had the certainty of being loved in any situation and whatever you decide to do? You can choose to feel that way right now, but it depends just on you.

3. You’re stronger than you think
We all have an extraordinary inner strength, but sometimes we are so harsh and critical with ourselves that we do not even realize it. You are stronger than you think. Think about all the times in which life events have tested you and you managed to stand, against all odds. You reacted with determination and courage. If you made it at that time, you’ll make it again.

4. You can be anything you want to be
The real courage is following your heart, even when the mind orders you to do exactly the opposite.
What did you want to do when you were a child? Do not let the external conditions, judgments, and expectations put your desires aside. It’s never too late to be what you have always wanted to be.

5. Courage is not the absence of fear, rather the ability not to be stopped by it
Fear is an important emotion. In fact, it works as an alarm bell and makes us think before we act.
Many people think that a courageous person is someone who is not afraid of anything and is willing to take risks. It’s not quite right- A courageous person is afraid just like  other people, but doesn’t let fear stop her/him. A brave person recognizes her/his fear, accepts it and does not try to send her away (in this way, in fact, the emotion will grow stronger). When you feel stuck, ask yourself: “What would I do if I were not afraid?”. Let the voice of your heart speak, listen to it with confidence and trust life!

6. It’s time to make your voice heard
We can no longer hide in our shell or behind the ‘not good enough’ or ‘if I do something, people will criticize me. “We need to make ourselves heard! We must free our feminine energy and spread it in the world. The time for change has come. We all have tremendous potential; let’s develop it for the benefit of our society.

In what other ways, do you feel brave? Share your experiences writing a comment below!

If you want to build the life you want and deserve, read A Whole New Life.
You can download the first chapter for free here.

A Whole New Life is now available also in Portuguese and German.