“Nothing wrong yet not satisfied nor happy?”
“Ready for something more meaningful?”
If you’re feeling inadequate, empty or unfulfilled, you could be just a hair’s breadth away from creating real and lasting happiness and not know it!
This is why my friend and colleague, Katrine Horn, has invited me to speak at the Heal Your Heart Summit, an international online event that gathers authors, speakers, thought-leaders, mentors, therapists and life coaches around the theme of healing emotional wounds because they sometimes stop us from being who we could be and do what we could be doing.
Join us here: www.thehealyourheartsummit.com
If you are an empty nester, if you are a successful professional woman yet your life feels empty or if you’ve been in a high-flying career yet you feel fed up with living, this could be your opportunity to feel into what it would be like to start creating something much more meaningful. We know that you can do it and it need not be difficult. It can actually be joyful, so why not join us?
It’s entirely FREE.
We’ll help you discover the emotional wounds that are preventing you from being your own beautiful self and that are also stopping you from leading the life you were meant to.
Listen to the interviews and get clear on
– What’s blocking you
– How to leave fear behind once and for all
– How to expand from past wounds
– How to leave the past behind
– It would be a joy to see you there!
Let’s do this together!