Loving yourself is the key to happiness

February is the month to celebrate love. It does not matter if we are in a relationship or not.
Saint Valentine’s Day can be an opportunity to remind us that the person we should always put first than anyone else is our self.

If we do not love ourselves, how can we give love to others?
Loving ourselves does not mean being selfish. It is exactly the opposite. Loving ourselves is the key to happiness. What does it mean from a practical point of view?
Here are 13 ways to love yourself!

1. Give yourself a flower
How many women expect their partner to give them flowers? Do not wait for people to do it for you. Surround yourself with your favorite flowers, appreciate the scent and the beauty of the colors!

2. Take a bath and/or a relaxing massage
What could be more beautiful and cuddly than taking a bath or a relaxing massage? Make it a special time, all for you, in which you take care of your body, the temple where your soul resides.

3. Do things that you enjoy
How much time do you spend reading your favorite book, going to the gym, and calling a friend and how much time is the one you spend to meet the needs of your family, relatives and at work? Make sure you plan some time for the little things that will brighten your mood.

4. Attach post-it around the house
Write some positive affirmations or your favorite quotes on post-its and stick them around the house. Read them from time to time. This is best way to change deep in our belief system and plant new seeds for the future.

5. Go on a date with yourself
There is no need to wait for the woman or the man of our dreams for a date. Go on a date with yourself. Wear your elegant clothes and go to the restaurant where you would like to be taken. You are in your own company, the most important person in your life!

6. Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in peace
Especially in this winter period, what could be better than a nice cup of tea or coffee maybe with a blanket  on the sofa, in peace, with no distractions? Another way to take a break and a boost for your mood.

7. Go to places you would like to discover
How many of us have a list of places they would like to visit, but they continue to put off waiting for someone to go with them? Again, do not wait, act now and book your ticket!

8. Grow a new interest
Cultivate a new hobby is a great way to learn to do something new, to give space to our creativity and expand their circle of friends.
Dance classes, cooking, foreign language, photography or ceramics… you choose the one that interests you! You may discover talents you did not think you had!

9. Eat in a tasty and healthy way
We are what we eat. If we want to feel vital, healthy and full of energy, we need to choose natural foods full of life and energy. Eating healthily does not mean sacrificing the taste, absolutely! Have you ever tried raw desserts?

10. Say no, if that’s what you want
Because I do not want to create conflicts, I tend to always strive for harmony and peace and also because I want to help all those who ask me, saying no has always been a challenge for me.
Behaving like a good girl or boy who always says yes it is one of the ways to ruin your life. Sometimes we do it for the fear of hurting the feelings of others, to make us feel loved and appreciated, not to be alone.
Before you say yes to someone, check with yourself if this is what you really want!

11. Learn to ask
Sometimes for pride and to defend our belief “I do not need anyone” we do not ask others for help even when we would really need to.
Other times, we expect that the others to have the magical power to read our minds and guess our needs. Put your pride aside and express your needs. If you feel overwhelmed and you can delegate, do so.

12. Meditate and write on your personal journal
Allow some time to be really with yourself and meditate. Start with five minutes and gradually increase. Write down things for which you are grateful and that make you happy on your journal.
You will attract even more abundance and happiness in your life!

13. Learn to let go
This is perhaps the hardest lesson to learn in life. Everything happens for a reason, every person we meet has something to teach us and will remain with us for as long as necessary. Trust the fact that the Universe has some perfect plans  for your evolution and your highest good. Take a deep breath and let go everything that you do not need more in terms of people, situations, emotions and make room for something greater!

In what other ways can we love ourselves? What does it mean for you love yourself?
Share your opinion with the community, leaving a comment below!

Email us to know dates and programs of our March workshops in Singapore: education@blessyou.me

If you want to build the life you want and deserve, read A Whole New Life.
You can download the first chapter for free here.

A Whole New Life is now available also in Portuguese and German.