28-day self-love challenge

We are the most important person in our life. We spend 24 hours a day, 7 days out of 7 with ourselves.
Our relationships with others and our attitude towards life in general are a reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves. Self-esteem means exactly this. We do not have to wait for any permission to love ourselves. Regardless of what we do (career, age, physical appearance, money) we can decide to love ourselves right now. We do not have to achieve any goal.
We can just decide to feel so at this precise moment.

How to cultivate a deep sense of love for yourself?

For the next 28 days, do something simple and small for yourself every day and fall in love with yourself!

1. Write two qualities and two physical traits you like about yourself
Sometimes we are our worst enemies, always ready to judge and criticize ourselves. How would things change if instead of pointing a finger at ourselves, we started appreciating ourselves?
Write at least two qualities and two physical traits you like about yourself.

2. Repeat positive affirmations
Louise Hay believes in the power of mirror work as a way to learn how to talk to ourselves, nourish love, take care of ourselves and heal from the wounds of the past.
In the morning and in the evening, look into your eyes and repeat these sentences:
“I love you, I really love you!”
“I forgive you and I love you.”
“I deserve to be loved because I exist.”
At first, your inner resistances could be very strong. Repeat these sentences even if they do not sound true to you, repeat them anyway.

3. Do something you love
Spend some time doing something that makes you feel good, such as your favorite hobby.

4. Say NO to a request that is not in line with your values
How many times do we say yes just to please others, to avoid criticism and tensions and we do not realize that by doing so we are saying no to ourselves? If something is not in line with your values, say no.

5. Go on a date with yourself
Take yourself out for dinner, to the cinema or anywhere else where you would take your partner.
Be romantic with yourself.

6. Buy yourself flowers
Receiving flowers from a special person is a wonderful feeling, isn’t it? I have a good news for you: that special someone is you! Buy yourself flowers, you deserve them.

7. Hold space for yourself
Put yourself first before doing something for others. What are your needs?

8. Write a love letter to yourself
Who would not love to receive a letter full of words of love, esteem and appreciation? Write that letter to yourself just as you would do with someone you care about!

9. Take a relaxing bath
Treat yourself with a pampering and special treatment as a relaxing bath. Arrange a few candles, some music and relax.

10. Go for a massage
Pamper yourself with a massage to relax your body. After all, it works hard for you every day and deserves some care as well.

11. Drink lots of water and eat healthy food
Loving ourselves means also providing our body with the substances it needs to function at its best.
Make sure you drink lots of water and to choose healthy food.

12. Hug yourself
Hug yourself with love and understanding: this is a way to show affection and protection to you.

13. Compliment yourself for one thing you accomplished
Pay yourself a compliment for one thing you accomplished and if someone compliments you, accept it with gratitude! Compliments are gifts of prosperity.

14. Take time to do nothing
The real luxury is time. We do not have to be always productive and work every minute of our existence. Sometimes the only thing we want and need is doing nothing.
Allow yourself the luxury of doing nothing.

15. Smile
Smile from the bottom of your heart, release the tensions in your muscles and spread positive vibrations!

16. Take deep breaths
Breathing deeply is like a real massage on our body and helps us to detoxify, release limiting thoughts and beliefs and regain energy and well-being. During the day, remember to take a few deep breaths!

17. Cook your favorite meal
Cooking your favorite meal dish and enjoy it with gratitude, making use of all the five senses.

18. Wear what makes you feel beautiful
Put on your favorite dress or some make-up that makes you feel good. Look in the mirror and admire yourself for a few seconds.

19. Celebrate yourself for a success you achieved
Celebrate yourself for a success that you achieved, however small it is. Unleash your creativity.

20. Go for a walk
Take a walk in the park or along the sea or do any other sport that makes you feel good.
Take care of your body.

21. Do something that scares you
When we do something we thought we were not able to do and when we face a situation that we have always avoided, every cell in our body learns to overcome any limiting belief and we find ourselves immediately full of energy and life!

22. Read a book you like
Spend some time reading a book you like. Loving yourself means also nourishing your soul with thoughts of love.

23. Make a mistake on purpose
Face your dragon of perfectionism and make a mistake on purpose (for example, write an email with a typo). How do you feel after that? Was it that bad as you thought or can you still love yourself?

24. Meditate for a few minutes
Meditation is a very effective practice to make order and space in our mind. Meditate for a few minutes in a quiet place and bring more love and peace in your heart and your life.

25. Ask for help if you need it
Many times we are so proud that we reject other people’s help or we do not even ask for it when we need it. Let others help you and let yourself be loved.

26. Have fun!
Laugh as much as you can, take care of your inner child and let him/her have fun!

27. Forgive those who hurt you
Forgiving does not mean forgetting or pretending that nothing happened. Forgiveness is the balm

for the soul and breaks the chains we put on it. When we forgive those who have hurt us, we do a

great act of love for ourselves.

28. Give your body the proper rest

Make sure you sleep enough hours and give yourself a break!

If you want to learn how to love yourself and you accept this challenge, write YES in the comments


If you want to build the life you want and deserve, read A whole new life.

You can download the first chapter for free here (https://www.blessyou.me/by/lucia-giovannini- a-

whole-new- life/).

APG - Modulo di PNL -neurosemantica e Coaching